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Scafell Coaching Ltd (the data controller) is committed to protecting your personal data and takes its responsibilities seriously, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for how it uses and processes your personal data, and complies with requests from you in relation to your personal data.

This policy applies to:

  • Visitors to our website

  • Participants in the services we provide (workshops, coaching, mentoring, surveys, focus groups)

  • Suppliers and service providers.

What data do we collect and process?

“Personal Data” is information about you which, either on its own or when connected with other data, allows us to identify you as an individual to provide you with our services. It does not include data which has been anonymised such that a person’s identity is removed. The personal data we hold may include:

  • Your name and contact information (address, email and phone number)

  • Your bank account details (if paying by cheque or bank transfer)

  • Your purchase details (including time, date and cost, and VAT status)

  • Your calls and email correspondence with us

  • Coaching contracts, questionnaires, notes or other related materials

  • Survey or focus group data (in agreement with clients as part of a commissioned project)

  • Evaluation data

Scafell Coaching Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ZB437871 and you can check this on their register. Information Commissioner's Office - Register of data protection fee payers (

Why do we need your personal data?

Scafell Coaching Ltd processes personal data about you for a number of purposes, including:

  • As a necessary part of performance of a contract, e.g. to prepare workshop and coaching materials, notify you of dates and weblinks or take payment.

  • To gather feedback and evaluation data to ensure quality of service.

  • Where you’ve given consent, e.g. as part of evaluation or other projects commissioned by clients, or to notify you of the outcome of a project.

  • For legitimate business interests, such as to respond to enquiries you’ve made with us or financial record keeping, or to track usage of our webpages.

Scafell Coaching only collects personal data necessary to provide services to client, stores personal data only as required to provide its services, and seeks to obtain informed consent from the data subjects prior to collection.

We do not share your data with third parties and your personal information will not be transferred to, stored or otherwise processed outside the UK.

What rights do you have to your personal data?

You have the right to:

  • Review personal data held by us and have inaccurate or out of date information about you corrected.

  • Request your personal data is erased or anonymised where it’s no longer required for us to retain it

  • Withdraw your consent at any time.

  • Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office

To understand more about our data processing activities, to request access to your personal information or make a complaint please contact Elizabeth Adams “Elizabeth”@”” in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office (0303 123 1113, via email or at The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF).

How long do we keep your personal data for?

Scafell Coaching may keep your details on record for as long as it is necessary to meet record keeping requirements. We hold financial, legal and HMRC records for seven years. They are then deleted in accordance with data protection and other applicable legislation.

Any changes we make in the future will be posted on this page so please check back from time to time.  

Date last modified: 04/09/2023

Privacy: Welcome
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